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April 17, 2022

Work Out Your Salvation

Preacher: Brian Johnson Series: Philippians Scripture: Philippians 2:12–18

'Work out your own salvation' isn't a matter of making sure that one stays saved.  Nor is it a legal term, 'save yourselves.' Rather, it is communal command to desist from worldly attitudes and words that tear at the fabric of the church.

other sermons in this series

May 29


The Secret of Contentment

Preacher: Brian Johnson Scripture: Philippians 4:10–23 Series: Philippians

May 22


Practice and Pray

Preacher: Brian Johnson Scripture: Philippians 4:2–9 Series: Philippians

May 15


Press On!

Preacher: Brian Johnson Scripture: Philippians 3:12– 4:1 Series: Philippians